BraneX Documentation

Technical reference and guides for the BraneX Solana token

Token Overview

BraneX ($BRNX) is a multi-dimensional utility token built on the Solana blockchain. Inspired by M-theory's dynamic branes, BraneX enables powerful connections between addresses with varying strength values, creating new forms of decentralized interactions that were previously not possible.

Important: BraneX is now live on Solana with the mint address: GEi3A8isp7NQx9PPMLBoXs45W4nUKkZ1GnMPddP9Fuc4

Key Features

  • Lightning Fast Transactions: Leveraging Solana's high-performance blockchain with 65,000 TPS and sub-second finality.
  • Ultra-Low Fees: Minimal transaction costs, making micro-transactions economically viable.
  • Multi-dimensional Capability: Create complex connections between addresses with varying strength values.
  • Security-First Design: Built using the SPL token standard with additional safeguards.
  • Supply Mechanism: Controlled token issuance with a hard cap at 11 billion tokens.

Token Details

Attribute Value
Token Name BraneX
Token Symbol BRNX
Blockchain Solana
Token Standard SPL (Solana Program Library)
Mint Address GEi3A8isp7NQx9PPMLBoXs45W4nUKkZ1GnMPddP9Fuc4
Decimals 9
Initial Supply 1,000,000,000 BRNX
Maximum Supply 11,000,000,000 BRNX
Mint Authority Multi-signature Governance
Freeze Authority None (Permanently Disabled)

Token Distribution

The initial supply of 1 billion BRNX tokens is distributed as follows:

  • 30% (300M): Public Sale
  • 20% (200M): Development
  • 15% (150M): Team & Advisors (vested over 3 years)
  • 15% (150M): Ecosystem Growth
  • 10% (100M): Community Rewards
  • 10% (100M): Research & Partnerships

Wallet Integrations

BraneX (BRNX) can be stored in any wallet that supports Solana's SPL tokens. Here's how to add BRNX to popular Solana wallets:

Phantom Wallet

  1. Open your Phantom wallet
  2. Click on "Tokens" tab
  3. Click the "+" button
  4. Select "Add custom token"
  5. Enter the mint address: GEi3A8isp7NQx9PPMLBoXs45W4nUKkZ1GnMPddP9Fuc4
  6. Click "Add"

Solflare Wallet

  1. Open your Solflare wallet
  2. Click the "+" button next to "Tokens"
  3. Enter the BRNX mint address: GEi3A8isp7NQx9PPMLBoXs45W4nUKkZ1GnMPddP9Fuc4
  4. Click "Add Token"

Security Note: Always verify the mint address when adding BRNX to your wallet. The official BraneX mint address is: GEi3A8isp7NQx9PPMLBoXs45W4nUKkZ1GnMPddP9Fuc4

Developer API

BraneX provides a comprehensive API for developers to integrate BRNX into their applications, services, and DeFi protocols.

API Endpoints

Our REST API is available at:

Endpoint Method Description
/token/info GET Retrieve basic information about the BRNX token
/token/price GET Get current BRNX price and 24h change
/token/supply GET Get current circulating and total supply
/holders/{address} GET Check BRNX balance for a specific address
/transactions GET Get recent BRNX transactions

API Authentication

To access the API, you'll need to register for an API key at Include your API key in the request header:

X-API-Key: your_api_key_here

Rate Limits

Free tier: 60 requests per minute
Developer tier: 600 requests per minute
Enterprise tier: Custom limits

Solana Integration

BraneX is built as an SPL token on the Solana blockchain. Here's how to interact with BRNX using Solana's web3.js library:


# Using npm
npm install @solana/web3.js @solana/spl-token

# Using yarn
yarn add @solana/web3.js @solana/spl-token

Checking BRNX Balance

const { Connection, PublicKey } = require('@solana/web3.js');
const { TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID } = require('@solana/spl-token');

async function getBraneXBalance(walletAddress) {
  const connection = new Connection('');
  const walletPublicKey = new PublicKey(walletAddress);
  const braneXMint = new PublicKey('GEi3A8isp7NQx9PPMLBoXs45W4nUKkZ1GnMPddP9Fuc4');

  // Find the token account
  const tokenAccounts = await connection.getParsedTokenAccountsByOwner(
      programId: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

  // Find BRNX token account
  const braneXAccount = tokenAccounts.value.find(account => {
    const tokenInfo =;
    return === braneXMint.toString();

  if (braneXAccount) {
    const balance =;
    return balance;
  } else {
    return 0;

Token Program

BraneX is implemented as a Solana SPL token using the Token Program. All standard SPL token operations are supported:

Function Description
transfer Transfer BRNX tokens between accounts
approve Approve a delegate to transfer tokens on behalf of the owner
revoke Revoke a delegate's authority
burn Permanently remove tokens from circulation
getAssociatedTokenAddress Find the associated token account for a wallet

Note: BraneX has permanently disabled the freeze authority, meaning tokens can never be frozen.

BraneX SDK

While BraneX can be interacted with using standard Solana tools, we've developed a specialized SDK to simplify working with BraneX's multi-dimensional features.


npm install @branex/sdk

Basic Usage

import { BraneXClient } from '@branex/sdk';

// Initialize client
const braneXClient = new BraneXClient({
  network: 'mainnet-beta', // or 'devnet' for testing
  walletProvider: wallet // Your connected wallet instance

// Check BRNX balance
const balance = await braneXClient.getBalance();

// Transfer BRNX
const signature = await braneXClient.transfer({
  destination: 'RECIPIENT_ADDRESS',
  amount: 100, // Amount in BRNX
  memo: 'Optional payment memo'

// Dimensional bridge creation (advanced feature)
const bridgeId = await braneXClient.createBridge({
  targetAddress: 'TARGET_ADDRESS',
  strength: 5, // Bridge strength (1-10)
  metadata: { name: 'My Bridge' }

Staking Guide

BraneX offers a staking program that allows token holders to earn rewards while supporting the network's security and governance.

Staking Options

Staking Pool Lock Period APY Benefits
Flexible None 4-7% Unstake anytime, no governance rights
Standard 30 days 8-12% Basic governance rights
Premium 90 days 12-18% Full governance rights, bonus rewards
Dimensional 180 days 18-25% Full governance, boosted rewards, exclusive features

How to Stake

  1. Visit the BraneX Staking Portal
  2. Connect your Solana wallet containing BRNX tokens
  3. Select your preferred staking pool
  4. Enter the amount of BRNX you wish to stake
  5. Confirm the transaction in your wallet
  6. Your tokens will be staked and rewards will begin accruing

Important: When staking with a lock period, your tokens will be unavailable for transfers or other uses until the lock period expires. Early unstaking incurs a 10% penalty on rewards.


BraneX employs a decentralized governance model allowing BRNX stakers to participate in decision-making processes affecting the protocol.

Governance Structure

  • Proposal Submission: Any user staking at least 10,000 BRNX in Standard, Premium, or Dimensional pools can submit proposals.
  • Voting Power: 1 BRNX = 1 vote for Standard pool, 1.5 votes for Premium pool, and 2 votes for Dimensional pool.
  • Proposal Types: Protocol parameter changes, treasury allocations, feature implementations, and partnership approvals.
  • Voting Period: 5 days for standard proposals, 7 days for critical proposals.
  • Quorum Requirement: 10% of total staked BRNX must participate for a vote to be valid.
  • Approval Threshold: 66% majority for standard proposals, 75% for critical proposals.

Governance Portal

Access the BraneX Governance Portal to view active proposals, submit new proposals, and cast your votes. The portal provides a comprehensive dashboard showing your voting power, governance history, and upcoming votes.

Code Examples

Creating a Multi-Dimensional Bridge

import { BraneXClient, BridgeType } from '@branex/sdk';

async function createMultiDimensionalBridge() {
  const braneX = new BraneXClient({
    network: 'mainnet-beta',
    walletProvider: wallet

  // Create a bridge with another address
  const bridgeResult = await braneX.createBridge({
    targetAddress: 'TARGET_WALLET_ADDRESS',
    bridgeType: BridgeType.BILATERAL,
    strength: 8, // On a scale of 1-10
    dimensions: ['DEFI', 'GAMING'],
    stakeAmount: 1000, // Amount of BRNX to stake in this bridge
    metadata: {
      name: 'Premium DeFi Bridge',
      description: 'Bridge for enhanced DeFi and gaming interactions'

  console.log('Bridge created with ID:', bridgeResult.bridgeId);
  return bridgeResult;

Fetching Bridge Information

async function getBridgeInformation(bridgeId) {
  const braneX = new BraneXClient({
    network: 'mainnet-beta'

  const bridgeInfo = await braneX.getBridge(bridgeId);
  console.log('Bridge Information:', bridgeInfo);

  // Get all bridges for an address
  const allBridges = await braneX.getAllBridges('YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS');
  console.log('All bridges:', allBridges);

  return { bridgeInfo, allBridges };

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes BraneX different from other Solana tokens?

BraneX introduces multi-dimensional capabilities inspired by M-theory, allowing complex interactions between addresses that go beyond simple transfers. Our dimensional bridges enable weighted connections with varying strength values, creating a more nuanced and powerful network of decentralized interactions.

How do I verify I'm using the authentic BraneX token?

Always verify the mint address is exactly: GEi3A8isp7NQx9PPMLBoXs45W4nUKkZ1GnMPddP9Fuc4. You can check this on Solana explorers like Solscan or Solana Explorer. Be cautious of scams or impersonators.

What are dimensional bridges in BraneX?

Dimensional bridges are special connections between addresses that enable enhanced interactions with configurable strength values and dimensional attributes. These bridges can facilitate automated transfers, combined liquidity, unified governance voting, and other advanced features between the connected addresses.

How can I participate in BraneX governance?

Stake your BRNX tokens in Standard, Premium, or Dimensional pools to gain voting rights. The longer the staking period, the more voting power you receive. Visit the Governance Portal to view and vote on proposals.

Is there a mobile app for BraneX?

BraneX does not have an official mobile app yet, but you can interact with BRNX through Solana mobile wallets like Phantom and Solflare. A dedicated BraneX mobile app is on our roadmap for Q3 2025.